Aromatherapy Certification:

Level one clinical aromatherapy is focused on offering therapeutic aromatherapy in the safest way possible while integrating compliance with the FDA and Joint Commission into practice. As well as meeting all NAHA school requirements, we not only review safety profiles, and chemistry of 24 essentials oils but we also review clinically researched uses. 

Level one Clinical Aromatherapy is currently in person only but will be adding an online option in 2024. Classes are held at Holiday Hilltop Ranch, a beautiful horse farm situated on a ridge with gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. The horse farm is located just outside of Tomah WI conveniently 2 miles off of 90 and 94.

Participants have the option to stay on the ranch, commute from home or a hotel just down the road. Participants receive breakfast and lunch on class days. Please reach out for information on costs and next scheduled class dates!!

Prices start at $600 per person.

Please email with interest & questions.


Beth Abele (director/developer/Instructor) is a nurse practitioner and level two certified aromatherapist with over 20 years of experience using aromatherapy on animals and people in a private and clinical setting.

Amy Lisi is a registered nurse with extensive experience in aromatherapy in both the home and clinical settings.