BREATHE offers equine-assisted activities. Our mission is provide children, youth and adults the opportunity to grow and develop through therapeutic educational and recreational activities with horses.
BREATHE is a member of PATH International (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International) which provides the guidelines and safety standards of our program.
For clients with physical challenges, our programs can help improve strength, endurance, balance, body awareness, range of motion, hand-eye coordination, muscle control, motor skills, and many other aspects of physical health.
Cognitive and emotional benefits include improved sensory integration and emotional regulation, higher self-esteem, and improved social and communication skills.
We will serve individuals with • Physical and cognitive disabilities • PTSD, stress & coping challenges • At-risk behaviors • Developmental disorders • autism spectrum disorders • Dementia • Speech Impairments • Stroke Victims • Learning delays • Attention Deficit Disorders • Muscular dystrophy • Orthopedic problems • Paralysis • Down syndrome
For rider forms and information please click on link below:
For more information on becoming involved in planning, volunteering, or know someone who would benefit from equine assisted therapy,
please contact: Becky Deist, CTRI, ESMHL
Email: beckyd102@hotmail.com
Phone/text: 608-343-7740